Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ode to food

For anyone who knows me then you know I have a few weaknesses, maybe more than a few, but the biggest one of all is food. I love food. I can't say it enough times. I love food. It's as much a fact as I am human. So naturally being in another country where they have NEW food i'm going a little crazy. In a good way. Not crazy like "I can't eat anything." Crazy like "I WANT TO EAT EVERYTHING." Hence the expanding waist line. 

The above collage just goes to show that I eat a lot. So much in fact that almost all my pictures are of my food. :) It's great. I've said it once and I'll say it again I'm sure but my favorite is sushi. I could eat it all day and be happy! I wish I could tell you all the kind I've had but frankly I don't know what they are and since my Chinese isn't very good, or even exists, then asking is quite impossible.  Notice the yellow/orangeish looking fruit in the bottom right corner? that would be a watermelon. Apparently there are orange watermelon and its perfectly normal. Tastes the same too. The best part is we can't tell which are read and which are red so it really is a surprise. 
Another good things is that I am slowly mastering the art of chopsticks so I can eat all this good food! This was some delicious food me and Bree got on our trip to Lugang yesterday. Some breaded chicken and rice with an assortment of vegtables. She had curry which also looked divine. 

Now, anyone got a good exercise plan for me? :)
Love from Taiwan, 

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