Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I feel like I just got hit by a scooter... oh wait I did

When i stepped off the airplane in Taiwan and got into a van to take me to my apartment. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. That, my dear friends, was my first experience of what I like to call SAW 3.. I mean "Taiwanese Driving."

Basic American Driving rules:
1. Stay within the lines on the road.
2. Stop at red lights, go on green.
3. Look before changing lanes, including your blind spot.
4. Be aware of your surroundings.

Now if you want to learn how to drive in Taiwan look at those rules and title them Suggestions. Better yet, Please remove number 3 and 4. The only real rule they have in Taiwan is to watch in front of you. That is all. If someone slams on their brakes in front of you then it is your duty to stop. It took me quite some time to get use to this concept. Scooters just weave in and out of traffic, along with bikes.... cars.... trucks... buses... It's scary. No one told these people what the lines were for. Oh one more thing, If you want to go through a red light all you have to do it honk. I guess honking makes it all better. Honking is not the same as in the states, its their way of saying I am here. Not in a rude way, more like a polite wave.

So I would say that by now I had a pretty good idea on how to handle traffic (or did I should now say). On Halloween day (couldn't be more lucky right?) I wanted to stop by a local store to get a birthday card for Kate's birthday coming up. Started off like any normal. Not a very busy road so I was stopped in the middle of the road, on the double yellow line, waiting to turn left. Making it quite clear that I wanted to turn. I looked behind me (even though I shouldn't of needed to) and looked ahead of me. As I wanted for a scooter to pass me in the front I turned the wheel of my bike, quite slowly I may add, and out of  NO WHERE! and I mean noooooo where I hear this loud engine  and...


Just like that a scooter sneaks up behind me and hits my front tire. And then my life flashed before me. My bike got ripped out from under me as I flew so gracefully backwards and landed like a ballerina......... I wish. It was more like the feeling of a 50 pound boy being shoved by a 200 pound man. I can still picture that instant in my mind. So I landed on my left hand and right elbow and my lower back. I rolled back with major whip lash to my neck and just sort of laid there on the ground. The boy who hit me also got knocked off his scooter and... with my luck at this point... didn't speak any english. I was in so much shock I just tried to pick up all my stuff and bike and go home. Only, I kept getting so dizzy I had to sit down. But looking like a complete idiot for a good five minutes I just picked up my stuff and walked my bike home.

The rest of the story is boring. My boss made me go to the "Hospital" which was more like an urgent care. they took some x-rays and all they showed was a messed up back. (BTW... I don't recommend Taiwanese doctors... kind of a sketchy place). The BEST part of all this, the part I wish I would have recorded was my lovely trip the next day to the "Chiropractor." (The over use of "Parentheses" is for the fact that there are no words in English to describe it.)

Oh the Chiropractor, what a man. He of course didn't speak any English so two Chinese Secretaries from work, along with Teacher Bree, come with me. At first I thought all would be ok. He gave me a little message and I was thinking I might come back. No, This man used me as hit own personal punching bag. I don't know much about Chinese Medicine but I do know that no American would put up with it in the States. He through me all over the room and the tears would not stop flowing out of my eyes.He literally picked me up with his back and started shaking me around. Mind you that I felt like an old lady BEFORE i got their from just being in an accident. At one point, in between the tears, I asked the Emily the secretary if he was aware I was about to punch his lights out. After she translates for me he turns and points to the crack in the wall. Emily giggles and says that the crack was from someone being in so much pain they kicked the wall. I know how they feel. Just do yourself a favor and never go to a Chinese Chiropractor. (Which is ironic because my Chiropractor at home is Chinese.)

But, in the end, I did feel much better and I am glad I went.... ok maybe glad is going a little too far. I can see why people would go. But all is better now! My hand stayed bruised for quite some time  and a very tender neck. And I'm back to square one with being a terrified biker on Taiwanese roads.

I must say that I also have a very thankul hear after this accident. I know it might sound strangebut I am thankful Heavenly Father gave me this chance to feel the affects of all the prayers for my safety that have been said on my behalf And this should have been a very terrible accident and it left me with minimal injuries. I know i was protected and I am very Thankful. 

Love (and pain) from Taiwan,

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